Labels:text | screenshot OCR: GREATEST SALES INCREASE :(7) Datalexik 155.8%% 19) Honeywell Network Services 1.48.82%% (72) MC2) 133.33% (33) Technology integration Group 125% (74) Communication Network Systems. 111.1.8% (39) Paranet 108.78% (91) Qu et Touch Computer Systems 100% (99) AllTech Data Systemy 100% (1) Entex Information Services 93.92% ( 16) American Communications 82.39% { } Ranking 20 40 80 100 1,20 140 @ 160 Sales increase (2%) Figure 3. Almost every member of the top 10 in this category at least doubled their business; Dataflex and Honeywell Network Services were standouts.